Intercid is a general purpose animal housing disinfectant containing Glutaraldehyde/formaldehyde.
General properties
Intercid can help to distroy viruses such as: Marek’s Disease, Newcastle Disease, Salmonellosis, Infectious Bronchitis, Pasteurellosis, Avian Coryza, Avian Rhinotracheitis, Avian Influenza.
May be used on vehicles, machinery and equipment: not known to be corrosive at recommended dilutions.
Works at low temperatures: DEFRA tested at 4ºC, at higher temperatures works faster and with lower concentrations.
Disinfects in presence of organic matter
Instructions for use
Routine disinfection (incl. avian influenza)* 0.25 %
Specific Salmonella disinfection 0.50 %
Specific Marek’s disease agent disinfection 0.50 %